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Tipua Residency

Toi Pōneke logo.jpg

Made possible by Workspace Studios in partnership with Toi Pōneke Arts Centre.

Running parallel to the Kapeu residency and Arawhiti scholarships is a flexible residency for emerging makers. 

This Jewellery residency will support a jeweller at a critical developmental stage in their career by offering dedicated resources for artistic and professional growth. This position will provide the necessary space and support for focused development in their craft and career.

This holistic programme not only equips emerging artists with the tools, skills, and exposure they need to thrive but also embeds them in a dynamic, supportive community. The culmination of this scholarship in a public exhibition not only celebrates the individual's journey and achievements but also showcases the vibrant, collaborative spirit of Workspace Studios. We believe this programme will not only inspire  recipients but also ignite a wider passion and appreciation for the arts within Wellington and beyond. It's an investment in the future of our arts community, promising a legacy of creativity, innovation, and excellence.

What's on offer? 

The package will include the following:  Dedicated, personal bench space fully funded at the original Workspace Wellington for 6 months - providing access to specialised equipment and embedding the artist in a supportive and energetic community that specialises in fostering successful creative careers. *This can alternatively be extended to be a 12 month opportunity at half-cost rent.  Access to Workspace Studios specialist training through our group classes that cover a broad range of jewellery skills at all levels. Recipients will receive free tuition up to a value of $395 and discounted tuition after that.  Mentoring specific to their chosen practice, in practical technique, delivery, arts business skills and management and essential workshop skills and safety. A minimum of 10 hrs.  A $300 fund to purchase essential equipment - often a massive hurdle for emerging jewellers as specialist equipment can be out of reach financially.  Exhibition space and support in the on-site Mason & Collins gallery, including a $200 fund for exhibition costs.  Support in the delivery of a public engagement event at the end of the residency period such as an artist talk. Ability to adapt the delivery of key aspects of the scholarship to increase accessibility for those in the Deaf / disabled community. Opportunity to stay on as a regular resident of Workspace Studios at the culmination of the residency period.

The Studio

This residency provides a space in our bustling main studio for emerging jewellers to create. The room is warm and light and is well provisioned with shared jewellery making tools and equipment, two ventilated soldering stations with a range of different types of torches and a wet / cleaning /chemical area with polishing tumbler. Residents have 24 hr access to their desks and must work around classes in the shared areas of the studio.  Consumables and cleaning of the main areas are taken care of by Workspace, and there is access to a shared kitchen and lunch area supplied by Toi Pōneke. Health and Safety is well set up with properly cared for fire alarm systems, as well as fire extinguishers , first aid kits and a strong community focus on workshop safety. There is 24 hr video surveillance of the studio for extra security. Our residents also have access to courier services covered by our shipping insurance via our JWMA membership. Jewellery desks are available if you do not have your own. Residents should bring:  All their own specialist tools, their own hand-tools and specialist consumables.


Application Information

Applications open on 15th October 2024 and close on 15th November 2024 at 5pm. 


Download the Full Application Pack here. 

Please submit your application via email to:

If you need to share via a drive link please let us know. 

Selected Applicants will be announced on the 29th of November by 5pm. 

Your application should include:

  • Your artist CV: 

This might detail your stockists, galleries or exhibitions, or it might describe your jewellery range, your ethos and your stockists, as well as any online retail presence you currently have or are developing. 


  • Images of at least 5 pieces of your work: 

These should be clear and should represent the scope and style of your practice. If most of your images are already documented online via an instagram or website presence, please include only your 5 most important images and direct us to your online catalogue of images. 

  • An introduction to you and your work: 

This is more than a short artist bio. We would like to know: 

  • Who you are and why you do what you do.  

  • Where you consider you are at with your jewellery practice or career to date. 

  • What are your long term goals and how do you imagine you could achieve them?


  • An overview of how this residency might boost or change your practice development: 

We would like to hear:​

  • How will this residency benefit you as a maker?  

  • What part would this residency play in your long-term plan for your arts practice?

  • What kind of body of work or specific project will you be working towards for the exhibition at the culmination of the residency?


  • We would like to hear from you how you fit into the current making community landscape and how it affects you and your work: 


Do you connect with a community of makers currently? And if so, where or how? If no, why not? 

How do you plan to contribute to the jewellery community going forward?


We are happy to receive video applications if you prefer, please make sure they speak to the bullet points above.

Selection Criteria

Applications will be assessed by a panel of jewellery industry professionals. They will be choosing the successful applicant based on the following:


  • They should have completed the foundation of their studies and be very competent working alone in the studio and have a strong understanding of health and safety practice. 


  • They should be working towards building an engaging web presence -  be it social media or a website.


  • They should be defining their vision for their practice, and what kind of jeweller they would like to be. 


  • They should be willing and enthusiastic to take on new knowledge, keen to participate in collegial working methods, and enjoy engaging with others to lift each other up. 


  • They must be a Wellington City Resident or prepared to reside within Wellington for the duration of the residency. 


  • They must be a NZ resident or a permanent resident of NZ. 

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