Fold forming with Natalie
Updated: Sep 1, 2022

Maybe I shouldn’t say this out loud but I love the lockdown… I live on my
own with my seven-year-old (dog) and currently have no commitments other
than going for a couple of decent walks with him every day. So, I am
enjoying the pure luxury of spending many hours each day in my home
studio. I got a pile of multi-couloured rings and earrings finished
(admittedly started before the lockdown) and currently, I am allowing
myself some playtime and testing out different ideas around the Moebius

This fits in well with one of my absolute favourite areas of
jewellery making, a technique called fold-forming. You repeatedly anneal,
fold, unfold and shape your metal until you are happy with the outcome. I
love this connectedness with the material and that I can go in with an
idea and then it keeps changing and changing during the process. While I
am just trying out different shapes I like to work in bronze. However, my
metal of choice is silver (and Platinum, one day…).
